Monday, August 22, 2011

Comment on other blogs
Hello! Your blog is very well-organised and neat. You have also put in great effort in analysing your three-day diet by using the healthy diet pyramid, the nutrition composition measurement, etc from the HPB website. It is good because it provides sufficient information about your food intake, as well as being nice to my eyes (it is neat. yeah!). Keep it up! The table format makes it easier to read too.
Hello! I think that your blog is very well-written and your analysis of your diet using various nutritional tools is very in-depth. You analyse your diet not only for the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats (common), but there's also information on how much saturated fat, cholesterol, etc (more in-depth) you consumed. This makes it very informational. In addition, the way you present it on a graph showing all the percentages of nutritional intake compared to RDA is clear! It keeps me engaged on your blog because there isn;t a mess of numbers. Good job ;D Are you planning to change your diet after you have analysed your nutritional intake? You eat a lot ehh
Hi Fong Han! You described Dr Peter D'Adamo's research paper about blood types and what food people should eat. So you are A type, the vegetarian. It's very informational; I didn't even know about such a thing! Your recording of three-day diet is detailed and even has how many scoops, bla bla bla. Good job in organising data into table format! Do you plan to follow the veggies diet? Hmmm because you are in NCC land and do lots of stuff, so for me personally I don't like to be bound by diet rules and stuff like that.

Thursday, August 18, 2011



I learnt alot from this PT! I learnt that my diet is considered unhealthy: high in carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol, but low in fibre. Therefore, a change in diet must happen in order to effect my nutritional intake. The diet can be affected by many factors, such as self-control, etc. We have to learn to control what we eat and take ownership of our own health, because unhealthy diet can affect our health in the long run. NO ICE CREAM, MACDONALDS anymore... Everyone knows that these foods are superyummy, but they are really unhealthy! Though we may not realise it now, little amounts of fats, etc can have a big impact on our health in the future. Diabetes and cancer is not a pleasant thing to undergo!
The nutritional tools on the HPB website were very useful because they were in-depth in analysing various information, such as the nutrients in my diet. I could get a clearer picture of my eating habits, nutritional intake, how much I should eat and lots more! In the future, I will consolidate my diet with the various tools.
The one-dish meal, which is a healthy wrap, can be prepared and eaten next time I am hungry. It is balanced, healthy and requires little time to prepare. It does not even need cooking ;O I will no longer need to worry about my diet being imbalanced because I have the knowledge of food and nutrition at my fingertips!
Hope you have a fabulous day!

Healthy one-dish meal

Grrrrr! This is unhealthy...bad bad bad! The double cheeseburger I had eaten in day three is high in fat, carbohydrates and cholesterol, but it's definitely not a good source of vitamins and fibre. Dadada! A new healthy dish has to be modified from this. Therefore, the new dish has to include more vegetables and fruits for vitamins and fibre, and less meat.
This is a cool wrap! The ingredients are:
1) Whole-grain wrap bread (whole-grain foods are healthier because they provide more fibre. this wrap is the main source of carbohydrates)
2) Tomato (a vegetable high in vitamins A, C, E; good source of carotene and other antioxidants)
3) Red bell pepper (it contains vitamin C, antioxidants, micro- and macro-nutrients)
4) Spinach (a good source of fibre and vitamins, especially vitamin K)
5) Lettuce (provides fibre, vitamin A and folic acid)
6) Organic turkey ham (a meat that provides fat, protein, zinc and vitamin B, at the same time a healthy alternative to grain-fed turkey)
This wrap uses ingredients of all the food groups, thus it is balanced. The ingredients are healthy! Furthermore, it does not require cooking, which retains the original nutrients in the ingredients. Some methods of cooking, such as frying (oily!), can cause food to develop carcinogenic properties.

Food Intake Assessment

Food Intake Assessment of day three's diet! Sorry for the crappy format

According to the Food Intake Assessment, I exceeded all my calcium, fat, etc. requirements and need to eat more fibre in my diet. However, the number of servings of food I am eating a day is below the standard requirements of girls my age. This is so weird! Perhaps it is because trace nutrients like calcium do not contribute much to the number of servings of food I eat a day ;O I feel so sad that I have been eating unhealthily for the past few days and hope that with a change of diet, I can take in appropriate amounts of nutrients. Eating in moderation is good!
I shall:
1) Eat more vegetables and fruits to supplement my fibre intake
2) Watch out for fatty, salty, sweet and possibly unhealthy foodstuffs, like ice-cream (hmm...I guess I need to control myself)
3) Read the food labels on foodstuffs before eating/ buying
4) Replace food I usually eat with healthier alternatives (eg. replace white rice with superyummy brown rice!)

Analysis of food groups

Food is superyummy. It is also superimportant! We need to consume a certain amount of different types of food each day to perform bodily functions, ensuring a superhealthy body!

Rice and alternatives are a good source of carbohydrates, which provides me with energy to carry out activities, such as playing basketball. When the body exercises, it requires a large amount of energy derived mainly from these sources, so it is important that I eat enough carbohydrates. Whole-grain foods also provide dietary fibre J

Fruit and vegetables are generally low in fat and protein but high in vitamins, minerals and fibre. They contain important nutrients necessary in some bodily functions. Veggies are yummy and cool! Some vegetables and fruits are anti-carcinogenic, anti-bacterial and can help prevent common diseases such as heart disease, bone disease, etc.

Meat and alternatives are rich in protein, which helps my body to repair and build lost muscles after basketball training, so I will be more muscular! HAHAHA!!! Ok and some foods that fall in this group also contains calcium. I should eat more of these because they help me to grow taller, have strong bones and teeth! (strong teeth can bite hard food, which is very useful)

Healthy Diet Pyramid

Source: Health Promotion Board website

Hi! This is an analysis of my 3-day diet using the healthy diet pyramid! I calculated how many servings of each food group I consumed everyday.

Day one:
1) Rice and alternatives: 4 servings L
2) Fruit and vegetables: 4 servings J
3) Meat and alternatives: 2 servings L

Day two:
1) Rice and alternatives: 5 servings J
2) Fruit and vegetables: 5 servings J
3) Meat and alternatives: 2 servings L

Day three:
1) Rice and alternatives: 5 servings J
2) Fruit and vegetables: 3 servings L
3) Meat and alternatives: 2 servings L

OH NO! I am not eating enough yummy servings of food! On day one, I required 1 more serving of ‘rice and alternatives’ and ‘meat and alternatives’ each. On day two, I had to consume 1 more serving of ‘meat and alternatives’. Lastly, on day three, I needed 1 more serving of ‘fruit and vegetables’ and ‘meat and alternatives’ each. The food group in which I am the most deficient in is ‘meat and alternatives’, so I should try to eat more food in that food group.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Trace three-day diet

This is my three-day diet from 10th to 12th August:



I'm Lily Yang (33) of class 211! This is my superyummy aesthetics blog on food and nutrition!

Have fun reading and feel free to post your superyummy comments!